Long time never post...
prelim results are out
87½ for math
82? for science (i think?)
50½ for chinese out of 90
and finally 71 out of 95 for english
english compo had 'good'
means 25-30 marks
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Music: Numb (obviously) by Linkin Park
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All sprites used to create this blogskin are from Wizet
Long time never post...
The maths and chinese papers were ok...
Haven update blog for quite a while...
The construction is SO NOISY!!! CANT TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!
Haizzz tomorrow has oral examinations
Today is quite okay...
Haizzz... everybody in a bad mood today... wonder wad would happen later.
wah! cash items GONE!!! I saw it dissapear! still, will lvl up (45) by today =) Bought a white calas from basilmarket but unfortunately, he plays on fridays. Now training on retz to do MrShims request ( a korean town quest) 300 sacks of rice!!!!!!!!! Me no feel like pqing =/
Yesterday, as i told u, we (my cousins and i) played maple. Fortunately, two of them didnt come. I am finally 40% from pqing. I was extremely lucky with equips. I got 2 maroon moon pants and 2 dark legoya pants (my bro said i was a girl pants collecter =B) Luckiest of all was my seclusion wristguard (i sold that for 650k) and now i have a total of 850k! (almost my first million)
Yay! Today is NATIONAL DAY! We get to go to my Grandmothers House to play the com.(nai nai)(thats where i usually play, 2 coms, six ppl) (i usually go there on Saturdays)
Today is my school's national day celebration!! Juz ONE hour of school!!! The first half is just goin through the anthem and pledge, and spent the rest of the school day drawin cartoonic pictures of some singapore heroes ( mine sucks)
yay! today early dismissal!!! spent the firs three hours sleeping ...zzzzzzzzzzzzz. No music or science so juz do a eng practice testpaper.
School dam siannn.... but hey, tomorroe has early dissismal!!! ( national day). We got some dumb bookmarks ( can be used as steelys : p )
Yay! i am actually lvl 44! i went to victoria (maple) and did the flagquest! i was the leader of a pq! :)
sianzzz... friday is supp day from 1:30 to 4:45 (double supp) (but thursday is worse as chinese teacher wans 2 and a half WHOLE hours to teach...
yay! finally made this blog! i randomly cohose a skin as i can change it later... :)
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Wow. Nobody ever bothers to read this...
(scroll down for youtube videos)
Linkin Park- Leave Out All The Rest
Created this vid myself cos i dunno why.
MapleStory Farting Contest
FlashBlaze's Haircut
Quite funny lar...
TheGuild vs. a snail
My old time favourites
I love singapura
Mrs Lazar showed this to us